Free shipping is NOT INCLUDED in the purchase price of this item. Cost will be based upon package size, weight and distance to be shipped. If you would like an estimate please contact us. If ordered online an appropriate amount for shipping will be added to your order prior to your credit card being processed.
NOTE: New Internet tax laws may require payment of a sales tax on items drop shipped from our suppliers. SCP is located in Ohio and currently Ohio does not require any sales tax on items sent from our location to customers out of state. SCP does offer certain items which are drop shipped from a manufacturer or supplier outside of Ohio. These taxes will vary and depend upon the cost of the item and the "Ship From" and "Ship To" locations. This tax will be added to your total after your order is placed if applicable. If a customer wants to know if taxes apply to items purchased please call us to discuss.
The 4.10 ratio should be considered an aggressive street/strip gear for the automatic transmission cars. If you do a lot of drag racing or are looking for terrific throttle response on the highway with your car you should consider this ratio.
This ratio was never factory installed. Owners of cars with the 4R70W electronically controlled transmission should be aware that using this ratio will hasten transmission tailshaft bushing wear due to much higher output shaft RPM. You should consider getting a forced lube kit to lube this bushing and solve this problem. Also, electronically controlled transmission cars will require a chip to reprogram the cars so it shifts properly. SCP offers these also.
Give us a call at 513-697-6501 if you wish to discuss which gear ratio will best suite your needs.
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