Currently Out of Stock:
The premier gaskets set for your '94/95 SC....None better!
The UPPER set includes the following gaskets/parts: Black RTV, Head gaskets, water outlet gasket, throttle body gasket, EGR valve gasket, exhaust manifold gaskets, intake manifold end seat front, intake manifold end seal rear, fuel injector Viton rubber "O" rings, intake manifold gaskets, valve cover gaskets, air bypass valve gasket, intake and exhaust valve stem seals, intercooler to intake plenum gasket.
Note that the intercooler resealing tape is NOT included in this set. We suggest you consider ordering this separately. Also remember that the Head Bolts are a one-time-use fastener and MUST be replaced every time the head is removed. SCP offers the ARP head studs as a wonderful upgrade or we also offer the stock type torque to yield head bolts. All these items are shown below in the "Related Products" section.